
From The Inside

From The Inside

Music is one of life’s greatest art forms for conveying the wide spectrum of human emotion. It can bring memories flooding back from the opening notes of songs we forget with the passing of time. Pulling us gently back to the moment our memories associate a particular piece of music with. It relives the stress and trails of every day life. It act as an audio guide to transport us to deeper sections of our imaginations. Opens our minds to new and different ways of thinking. 

This song was written as a way to express emotions and thoughts that i experienced at a certain point in life. Everyone has their own music within them and i strongly believe their is an artist in every human being. Find your way of expressing that which words sometimes cannot. 

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”

-Victor Hugho


Vocals on this track were done by the fantastic Sarah McCarville